On this day 19 years ago, our nation suffered a staggering blow with a tremendous loss of life (more than 3000 persons lost). Having witnessed the devastation of the aftermath first hand, the experience has had a profound effect on how I view the preciousness of life and finality of death. Let us take a moment to remember those who perished, the loved ones left behind, as well as those that were injured. We should also honor those who risked and or lost their lives to save others.
Today our nation is under attack again. However this time the assault is by a very different type of adversary. This new adversary is not flying planes, but it’s impact has been just as deadly and destructive (more than 192,000 persons lost and still counting). Just like before, if we tighten the ranks and all pull in the same direction, success in quickly overcoming and recovering from this attack is all but certain.