K-8 Private School in Northern VA
A K-8 private school in Northern Virgina with approximately 150 students needed a phased approach to install and implement a proactive video system, monitor the status of all exterior doors as well as assistance with implementing protocols, procedure, and training for active assailant and lockdown situation.
Granilux worked closely with the school to design and integrate a custom security system that included 15 cameras which allow for real-time anomaly detection, smart and intuitive search features that can assist in finding people, vehicles, and events of importance quickly. Granilux also added sensors to key doors, which proactively monitor common areas, stairwells, ingress and egress and visitors.
For the assailant and lockdown protocols, Granilux helped the school move from a single-page emergency response plan to a Virginia DCJS and Standard Response Protocol. Granilux aligned the plan for five emergency response protocols to apply to a myriads of hazards schools can face. For this, Granilux used the FEMA planning and implementation process:
- Step 1: Assist the School in Forming an Inclusive School Safety Audit Committee
- Step 2: Understand the Situation – Conduct the Virginia DCJS Safety Inspection
- Step 3: Determine Goals and Objectives – Conducted Gap Analysis
- Step 4: Plan Development: Identify Courses of Action
- Step 5: Plan Preparation, Review, and Approval
- Step 6: Plan Implementation and Maintenance – Training, Drills, Exercise, and Revise

Active Assailant Training
Security Advisory Services
Cloud-Based HD Video Surveillance
Access Control